Monday, December 6, 2010

Using the LESS CSS Preprocessor for Smarter Style Sheets


As a Web designer you’re undoubtedly familiar with CSS, the style sheet language used to format markup on Web pages. CSS itself is extremely simple, consisting of rule sets and declaration blocks—what to style, how to style it—and it does pretty much everything you want, right? Well, not quite.

You see, while the simple design of CSS makes it very accessible to beginners, it also poses limitations on what you can do with it. These limitations, like the inability to set variables or to perform operations, mean that we inevitably end up repeating the same pieces of styling in different places. Not good for following best practices—in this case, sticking to DRY (don’t repeat yourself) for less code and easier maintenance.

Enter the CSS preprocessor. In simple terms, CSS preprocessing is a method of extending the feature set of CSS by first writing the style sheets in a new extended language, then compiling the code to vanilla CSS so that it can be read by Web browsers. Several CSS preprocessors are available today, most notably Sass and LESS.

What’s the difference? Sass was designed to both simplify and extend CSS, so things like curly braces were removed from the syntax. LESS was designed to be as close to CSS as possible, so the syntax is identical to your current CSS code. This means you can use it right away with your existing code. Recently, Sass also introduced a CSS-like syntax called SCSS (Sassy CSS) to make migrating easier.

If It Ain’t Broke…?

By now you might be thinking, “So what? Why should I care about these things, and how exactly will they make my life as a Web designer easier?” I’ll get to that in a moment, and I promise it will be worth your time. First, let me clarify the focus of this article.

In this tutorial, I’ll be using LESS to demonstrate how CSS preprocessing can help you code CSS faster. But that doesn’t mean you must use LESS. It’s my tool of choice, but you may find that Sass fits your workflow better, so I suggest giving them both a shot. I’ll talk a bit more about their differences at the end of the article.

I’ll start off by explaining how LESS works and how to install it. After, I’ll list a set of problems that large CSS files pose, one by one, and exactly how you can use LESS to solve them.

Let’s go!

Installing It

There are two parts to any CSS preprocessor: the language and the compiler. The language itself is what you’ll be writing. LESS looks just like CSS, except for a bunch of extra features. The compiler is what turns that LESS code into standard CSS that a Web browser can read and process.

Many different compilers are actually available for LESS, each programmed in a different language. There’s a Ruby Gem, a PHP version, a .NET version, an OS X app and one written in JavaScript. Some of these are platform-specific, like the OS X app. For this tutorial, I recommend the JavaScript version (less.js) because it’s the easiest to get started with.

Using the JavaScript compiler is extremely easy. Simply include the script in your HTML code, and then it will process LESS live as the page loads. We can then include our LESS file just as we would a standard style sheet. Here’s the code to put between the tags of your mark-up:

Note that I’m referencing the less.js script directly from the Google Code server. With this method, you don’t even have to download the script to use it. The style sheet link goes above the script to ensure it gets loaded and is ready for the preprocessor. Also, make sure that the href value points to the location of your .less file.

That’s it. We can now begin writing LESS code in our .less file. Let’s go ahead and see how LESS makes working with CSS easier.

1. Cleaner Structure With Nesting

In CSS, we write out every rule set separately, which often leads to long selectors that repeat the same stuff over and over. Here’s a typical example:

#header {}
#header nav {}
#header nav ul {}
#header nav ul li {}
#header nav ul li a {}

LESS allows us to nest rule sets inside other rule sets, as a way to show hierarchy. Let’s rewrite the above example with nesting:

# header {
nav {
ul {
li {
a {}

I’ve omitted the content from the selectors for simplicity, but you can see how the structure of the code quickly changes. Now you don’t have to repeat selectors over and over again; simply nest the relevant rule set inside another to indicate the hierarchy. It’s also a great way to keep code organized because it groups related items together visually.

Also, if you want to give pseudo-classes this nesting structure, you can do so with the & symbol. Pseudo-classes are things such as :hover, :active and :visited. Your code would look as follows:

a {
&:hover {}
&:active {}
&:visited {}

2. Variables For Faster Maintenance

We usually apply a palette of colors across an entire website. Any given color could be used for multiple items and so would be repeated throughout the CSS code. To change the color, you’d have to do a “Find and replace.”

But that’s not quite it. You could also isolate those values into separate rule sets; but with this method, the rule sets would keep growing as you add more colors across the website, leading to bloated selectors. Here’s what I’m talking about:

#header, sidebar .heading, sidebar h2, footer h3, .aside h3 { color: red; }

To make a simple color change, we’re faced with long selectors, all dedicated to that one color. It’s not pretty. LESS allows us to specify variables in one place—such as for brand colors, border lengths, side margins and so on—and then reuse the variables elsewhere in the style sheet. The value of the variable remains stored in one place, though, so making a change is as simple as changing that one line. Variables start with an @ and are written like this:

@brand-color: 4455EE;

#header { background-color: @brand-color; }
footer { color: @brand-color; }
h3 { color: @brand-color; }

In LESS, variables also have scope, so you could use variables with the same name in various places; when they’re called, the compiler would check for the variable locally first (i.e. is there anything with that name where the declaration is currently nested?), and then move up the hierarchy until it finds it. For example, the following code:

@great-color: 4455EE;

#header {
@great-color: EE3322;
color: @great-color;

…compiles to:

#header { color: EE3322; }

3. Reusing Whole Classes

Variables are great, but we often reuse more than single values. A good example is code that’s different for every browser, like the CSS3 property border-radius. We have to write at least three declarations just to specify it:

-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
-moz-border-radius: 5px;
border-radius: 5px;

If you use a lot of CSS3, then this sort of repeating code adds up quickly. LESS solves this by allowing us to reuse whole classes simply by referencing them in our rule sets. For example, let’s create a new class for the above border-radius and reuse it in another rule set:

.rounded-corners {
-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
-moz-border-radius: 5px;
border-radius: 5px;
#login-box {

Now #login-box will inherit the properties of the rounded-corners class. But what if we want more control over the size of the co


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